Day dreaming , an illusive distraction

We humans are so unrealistic to dream the impossible events especially during the day time. Most of the people envisage about the good of their future at the present. They envisage about their future achievements, success, relationship,etc by killing their wealthy time. They are not familiar with their present importance. This fantasy divert the people from the real world. Our brain is very much attracted towards the wrong path as compared to the good path. Human can learn a bad habit very fast unlike a good one. Once it learned , it becomes very difficult to forgot it out. Whenever we learn something , the neurons in our brain make many different new connection that become sometimes impossible to change, means whatever we learn , from that the good one can easily be erased but it is a pretty difficult to erase the bad ideas, thoughts,etc. 

Day dreaming is a bad habit in which the person started thinking about that incident which are not likely to happen. Ultimately the time passed out. God have provided us different periods of time such as childhood,adulthood,etc. And each period has some particular maturity ,and according to that we worked. Once a certain period completed , then no one can jump back to it again. A 89 years person can't take an admission in class 10 because he has crossed his age . Thus every period has their own importance. If the people continuously wasting  their time, they might loose their wealthy period , unable to enjoy their life,etc and many negative impact would be fall on them.

Day dreaming is nothing but an illusive distraction , just try to be away from it , remind yourself again and again if you are the victim of it. Do it for your future,for your goal ,for your dream, for your life.

If we continuously do our best without doing the day dreaming then nothing would remains impossible for us, whatever we think during the day dreaming , that can comes true ,just believe in yourself ,you are the leader of your own, you have to make your impossible dream possible not in your mind but in your real world.

Jugal Kishore Das


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