
Mistakes teach us something

In the busy world, competition is almost everywhere. All the people are engaged in developing their careers. Now a days , one and all sectors are transforming into a business sector and a small mistake by an employer can lead a huge loss to a company. To avoid such circumstances, competition and interviews are made compulsory now a days. Due to these drastic changes, people are getting very much deligent in their work. They are taking single piece of work very seriously. Still, as a human being, mistakes can't be avoid totally. People often failed in their difficult attempt,but learn a lot of new ideas from their mistakes.  It is true that mistake is not expected by anyone but it is also true that it generates many new ideas and lead new inventions. All the inventions done till today , was not already available in the mind of the respected scientists instead it was developed by their unexpected mistakes.  Nobody want to fail as it gives an inside pain. But after become a failure, i

Life without Destination

In the modern society, the new technologies are being developed and are made a bit useful to the human. Despite of having such advantages, some pitfalls are also there. The youth of the present generation are becoming less assiduous and less deligent to their jobs. Most of them are blithe about their coming future.   Now a days, the humans are totally depend upon the machines like cell phones,etc as it helps them in satisfying their needs.  Artificial intelligence has created a very great importance in the modern society. Every single object is made intelligent by doing heavy program. In short , the coming future will be hazardous for the workers as they may replaced by the future Robots   A lot of questions arises like how would be the future look like? What job would be left for humans? What would the human do to earn money?  It is really horrible to think about a life without Destination, where all the jobs would assign to robots, and nothing would be left to do for humans. 

Day dreaming , an illusive distraction

We humans are so unrealistic to dream the impossible events especially during the day time. Most of the people envisage about the good of their future at the present. They envisage about their future achievements, success, relationship,etc by killing their wealthy time. They are not familiar with their present importance. This fantasy divert the people from the real world. Our brain is very much attracted towards the wrong path as compared to the good path. Human can learn a bad habit very fast unlike a good one. Once it learned , it becomes very difficult to forgot it out. Whenever we learn something , the neurons in our brain make many different new connection that become sometimes impossible to change, means whatever we learn , from that the good one can easily be erased but it is a pretty difficult to erase the bad ideas, thoughts,etc.  Day dreaming is a bad habit in which the person started thinking about that incident which are not likely to happen. Ultimately the tim

Childhood reality

When I was a child , I used to thought that cartoons are real. One of my sweetest cartoon was Doraemon, here every possible things has been shown real to us like mirror world, life on other planets,hi-fi technologies, etc. The places shown here were really very amazing. I thought that such places exist somewhere in reality and always dream to reach there. A hill is there, school is present just before the hill, small city is there, everything is really very amazing and wonderful. A life in such a place need nothing to enjoy.   It seems to be somewhat real and it shows the future condition of the Earth where a very less green environs would be there and whole would be cover with buildings, factories,etc .  It is my dream place,may be yours too. The continuous destruction of ecosystem would lead to many hazardous problem , I don't mean that factories shouldn't be built, it should be there but not in a huge amount. There are different thoughts,dreams,etc of

Reason of our existence

Lots of people died in the crisis of Covid pandemic, lots are still fighting and a few are enjoying their moment instead of getting  stress about the covid disaster. Different people have different thoughts, different reaction,etc on a same situation. Life is full of enjoyment, it is only for a small period, after that everyone has to depart from the Earth. One day all would have to leave the beautiful nature of the Earth,and the most beautiful that is their beloved family forever. Everyone has time inbetween their born and die in their hand. They should spend their wealthy time with a great joy and enthusiasm. The most beautiful moment in our life is the moment with our families. Today everyone has their parents, tomorrow they would leave, only their memories will left. Thus it is said that the present is the best , you may not feel but it is true.  The question arises , what is the reason of our existence? Some people dream to be a piolet , some dreams to be Doctor,etc and most of th